



      The National Research and Development Agency (ANCD) is a central administrative authority subordinate to the Government of the Republic of Moldova, established by Government Decision no. 196 of 28.02.2018. ANCD is the legal successor of the rights and obligations of the Center for International Projects, the Agency for Innovation and Technological Transfer and the Agency for Research and Development, all of which are public institutions within the Academy of Sciences of Moldova.

      ANCD is responsible for the implementation of the national research, innovation and development policy, the EU framework program for research and innovation Horizon 2020 and other European programs and coordinates the Office for Science and Technology of the Republic of Moldova in Brussels (MOST). The agency's mission is to ensure excellence and performance in order to achieve national priorities in the fields of research, innovation and development. The agency provides competitive funding for research, innovation and technology transfer projects. ANCD encourages public-public and public-private partnerships through direct meetings and brokerage events.

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Institute of Genetics, Physiology and Plant Protection

      The Institute of Genetics, Physiology and Plant Protection in the current structure was founded on 1 October 2013 at the initiative of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova by fusing of the Institute of Genetics and Plant Physiology of the ASM and the Institute of Plant Protection and Ecological Agriculture of the ASM in accordance with Government Decision No. 270 of 04.18.2013. The merged Institutes hold a history of several decades founded on recognized scientific achievements in the country and abroad.

      The Institute of Genetics and Plant Physiology of the ASM was founding in 2005 by fusing of the Institute of Genetics and Plant Physiology of the ASM, Department of Aromatic and Medicinal Plants of the Research Institute for Maize and Sorghum «Porumbeni». 

      Theoretical bases of research in genetics and plant breeding were confirmed by establishing the Institute of Ecological Genetics in 1985, which in 1991 was renamed into the Institute of Genetics of the ASM. The researches in Plant Physiology and Biochemistry have been consolidated in the Institute of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, founded in 1960 and renamed in 1991 into the Institute of Plant Physiology. The history of the Institute of Plant Protection and Ecological Agriculture of the ASM has begun since 1969 when the All-Union Research Institute of Biological Plant Protection was set up. The founding of the Institute was conditioned by the need to develop alternative methods to chemical plant protection and to reduce the dangerous impact of chimization in agriculture. For over forty years the Institute has undergone certain restructurings being named as follows: All-Union Research Institute of Biological Plant Protection (1969 – 1992), the Institute of Biological Plant Protection of the ASM (1992 – 1999), the Research Institute for Plant Protection of the Ministery of Agriculture and Food Industry (1999 – 2005).

      Since 2019, in accordance with the Decision of the Government of the Republic of Moldova no. 50 from 16.01.2018 about the activity of some public organizations in the fields of research and innovation, the founder of the Institute of Genetics, Physiology and Plant Protection was the Ministry of Education and Research, the name of the institute being modified by excluding the reference to the Academy of Sciences of Moldova. According to the Decision of the Government of the Republic of Moldova no. 485 from 13.07.2022, regarding the reorganization through merging (absorption) of some institutions in the fields of education, research and innovation, the Institute of Genetics, Physiology and Plant Protection is in subordinate of the Moldova State University.

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      The digitization of the agricultural field is the answer to dozens of impediments that we encounter in the food industry every day. AgTech also facilitates the rationalization of human and financial resources, contributes to agricultural sustainability and generates new income to improve the lives of people in rural areas.

      In Moldova, one of the companies that has already established its importance is Drone Assistance. The company consists of creating a network of agricultural drones in Moldova for the transition to a more sustainable agriculture by using drones for mapping, monitoring and maintenance of plantations. We ensure the best choice of pest management methods using intelligent objective monitoring tools in the field to detect pests and predict population evolution.

      Drone Assistance is the first company in the Republic of Moldova whose drones and pilots have received authorization to carry out flights for agricultural purposes. We already have two years of experience in the field of unmanned agricultural systems. We currently have more than 60 satisfied customers who are interested in continuing the collaboration and are ready to test our new products that will be introduced to the market.

      Our innovative solution is to create a network of agricultural drones, integrating them into an intelligent system for monitoring, analyzing and forecasting agricultural land. We are also in the process of developing a network of regional branches "Dron Agro Network", for technical service, training, equipment maintenance, with the help of local employees. Similarly, through the "Agro Drone" network, we will be able to use this full system throughout the country with specific recommendations for each region.

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Î.M. „Asociația de gospodărire a spațiilor verzi”

Green areas, regardless of their functionality, are an organic part of any locality.

      An important role in the creation of the green spaces of the city of Chisinau was played by the opening in 1842, near the city (today's Botanica district), of the Bessarabia fruit tree school under the leadership of the scientist Denghing A.D., a member of several Russian scientific societies in Moscow and Petersburg. which dealt with the growth and propagation of fruit and decorative trees. The works published by Mr. Denghing, such as "Tabliţî dvenadţatiletnih nabliudenii v ocrestnosteah Chişineva", "Obzor deistvia bessarabscogo ucilişcea sadovodstva" are the only scientific works from Bessarabia century. XIX in which the data of the phenological observations of 415 species of plants, including 181 species and forms of exotic trees and shrubs are presented with the indication of their degree of wintering. In these works, an analysis is made of the process of acclimatization of many species and exotic decorative forms, some of which were used to create urban green spaces and other areas of the region, and are still used today, although many have disappeared or they remained in unique copies in the old parks of the municipality.

      In 1960-1961, the Design Institute "Agrolesproiect" in Moscow developed the first complex project of the green spaces of the city of Chisinau, which was approved by the Council of Ministers of the SSR and by the city's executive committee. Based on a decision of the state bodies, in 1961-1962, 1681 ha of land around the city of Chisinau were transferred to the Main Directorate of Forestry under the Council of Ministers to be planted and to create a complex network of parks forests around the municipality.

      For the realization of these works, the Chisinau Forestry was created. In the years 1962-1965, an enormous amount of planting was carried out on these lands, the following forest parks being created at the same time: "Butoiaș", "Petricani", "Lunca gâștei", "Calea Orheiului", "Râșcani", "Moldexpo", "The baby", "Calea Bessarabiei", "M. Sadoveanu", "Buiucani", "Muncești". In 1968, as a result of the conclusion of the creation of the network of forest parks, they were handed over to the Directorate of Green Spaces of the city of Chisinau for management.

     The Municipal Enterprise "Association for the management of green spaces" was founded on November 1, 1992 by the Chisinau Municipal Council, it is active in the field of protection, maintenance and development of green spaces located on the public domain in the inner city of Chisinau".

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