Biological product / bactericide - fungicide (state registration certificate No. 08-02-0401, 16-04-2015)
- Active microorganism: Pseudomonas fluorescens CR-330D
- Formulation: titer ≥ 109 cells/ml, aqueous suspension
- Manufacturer: Institute of Genetics, Physiology and Plant Protection, Republic of Moldova
Contact fungicide of preventive action and therapeutic for control of: bacterial grape and root cancer of fruit crops, pathogens of fungal diseases of vegetable crops and potatoes.
Mode of application
Soaking before sowing. Tanks for processing plant material should be placed under sheds. Water for the preparation of the working solution should not contain Cl, Cu, Zn, Al, oil impurities. The working solution should be changed after soaking each batch of plant material. The working solution must be used on the day of preparation. In the field, treatment is recommended to be carried out in the evening to avoid exposure to sunlight and rapid drying of the drug.
Shelf life and warranty period of storage - 1 year from the date of manufacture without violating sterility. At temperatures from +1°C to +10°С.
Compatibility with other pesticides (agrochemicals): the product is intended for independent use.
Speed of influence: in 24 hours after drawing.
Protective period: during the growing season with a slight decrease in effectiveness on hot days.
Selectivity: no adverse effect on bees at recommended rates.
Phytotoxicity, crop tolerance: absent.
Hazard characteristics: the product is not toxic. Microorganisms can provoke sensitizing reactions. No need for classification and labeling for environmental risk.
(+373 22) 77-04-47
Mon-Fri: 8:00 - 17:00
Republic of Moldova, Chisinau, str. Padurii, 20